Digital vs Physical Assets

Not a day goes by where we don’t hear about bitcoin in the news or from a friend who has a hot tip on a new cryptocurrency. The past few years have seen an increase in the popularity of digital assets such as cryptocurrency and Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Direct shares and managed funds are […]

Demystifying Loan Jargon

Planning to apply for a loan but confused by the myriad of banking jargon? You’re not alone. Many people struggle to understand loan terms and the multitude of acronyms used by bankers and mortgage brokers. Although you may seek advice from your local bank or mortgage broker, having a basic understanding of these terms will […]

What Does it Take to Become a Millionaire?

Want to be a millionaire? It may seem an impossible dream, but depending on your circumstances joining the ranks of the millionaires may be easier than you think. There are three key components to a successful savings strategy. The first is some surplus cash; an amount of money you can regularly set aside in your […]

Is Your Inner Entrepreneur Calling?

Work From Home (WFH) arrangements seem to have got our creative juices flowing with more online, home-based businesses springing up every day, providing a limitless variety of goods and services. Home based micro businesses (0 – 4 employees) and small businesses (5 – 19 employees) offer everything from retail items, to construction industry services. According […]

5 Ways to Give Your Christmas Spending a Makeover

These days Christmas appears to be more of a retail festival than a festive event, and while it can be a season of joy for many, it is a time of stress or loneliness for others.  If the ‘Xcesses of Xmas’ have been getting you down, or if you just want to shake up your […]

Three-Minute Financial Check-up

While the standard of living is constantly improving in Australia, economic disruptions, stagnant wage growth and continually increasing house prices are putting more and more people under financial stress. A recent report by the social research group, the Melbourne Institute, ‘Taking the Pulse of the Nation’, found one in three Australians reported being under financial […]

Closing the Gender Superannuation Gap

Most people, when asked about retirement, will tell you they’re looking forward to it. However, for some women, the approach of retirement is viewed with uncertainty. In recent times a spotlight has been shone on the gender pay gap, resulting in greater awareness of women’s conditions in the workforce. Yet we’re still overlooking how lower wages […]

Financial Planning for a Family Member with a Disability

With over 4.4 million Australians living with a disability, most families either have a family member with a disability or know of a family supporting a disabled loved one.  In 2018, the Australian Bureau of Statistics found 4.5 per cent, or approximately 211,200 children, aged between 0 to 14 years, have a profound or severe […]

Building Financial Resilience

Buying a new home is undou Resilience is the ability to quickly recover from setbacks, and while setbacks can come in many forms most of them will have a financial component. So what can you do to build financial resilience? Expect the unexpected Rarely do we get advance warning that something bad is about to […]

5 Factors that May Derail Your Mortgage Application

Buying a new home is undoubtedly one of the most exciting time in our lives. But, on the other hand, a mortgage application can be a stressful process as you dive into a world of unknowns. Let’s look at five factors that may negatively affect your chance of being approved for a home loan. Lying […]


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